What It Costs

Franchise Admin Fee

Starting at $100,000

DFG assesses an initial franchise fee to offset some of the costs associated with new franchisee onboarding. This fee ensures proper integration of franchise resources from management systems and marketing to operational guidance and vendor selection.

Initial Investment

Starting at $650,000

Franchisee store locations are designed to be comprehensive in nature, running the gambit from store opening to full operation. Expenditures include training, equipment, hardware, software, buildout, signage, uniforms, inventory, marketing and beyond.

Total Investment

Starting at $750,000

Total cost of ownership for DFG franchisees are capped and never require secondary capital calls or reinvestments during the initial franchise term. In this way franchisees are able to operate from a place of financial certainty and better focus on the business at hand.

“DFG empowers franchisees to be as hands on or off as they wish. Experienced owner operators are able to execute free from corporate restriction, while less experienced franchisees may take advantage of full service professional operations and management solutions through the first years of investment.”

— Brad Stephens, Operator

Become a Franchisee